Units API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/units/3830/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "translation": "http://translate.diyseeds.org/api/translations/diyseeds-org-pages/dvd/en/?format=api",
    "source": [
        "Hundreds of people took part in this film : the seed producers in the various gardens in France - in the Jura, in Ardèche, in Burgundy, in the Boûches-du-Rhône, in Nice, in Haute-Provence, then the many gardeners in the Longo Maï collectives. Those who lent their voices, those who translated the texts, the musicians who created and arranged the musical accompaniment, the artist who drew all the magnificent animations or diagrams. And of course the editors who contributed all their know-how as well as the sound technicians, the colour calibrator, the DVD technician, the graphic designers for the DVDs and the covers. Without forgetting especially our chief camerawoman and her assistants."
    "previous_source": "",
    "target": [
        "Hundreds of people took part in this film : the seed producers in the various gardens in France - in the Jura, in Ardèche, in Burgundy, in the Boûches-du-Rhône, in Nice, in Haute-Provence, then the many gardeners in the Longo Maï collectives. Those who lent their voices, those who translated the texts, the musicians who created and arranged the musical accompaniment, the artist who drew all the magnificent animations or diagrams. And of course the editors who contributed all their know-how as well as the sound technicians, the colour calibrator, the DVD technician, the graphic designers for the DVDs and the covers. Without forgetting especially our chief camerawoman and her assistants."
    "id_hash": 5629474312315277679,
    "content_hash": 5629474312315277679,
    "location": "",
    "context": "",
    "note": "",
    "flags": "",
    "state": 100,
    "fuzzy": false,
    "translated": true,
    "approved": false,
    "position": 27,
    "has_suggestion": false,
    "has_comment": true,
    "has_failing_check": true,
    "num_words": 111,
    "source_unit": "http://translate.diyseeds.org/api/units/3830/?format=api",
    "priority": 100,
    "id": 3830,
    "web_url": "http://translate.diyseeds.org/translate/diyseeds-org-pages/dvd/en/?checksum=ce1fe90f91bd116f",
    "url": "http://translate.diyseeds.org/api/units/3830/?format=api",
    "explanation": "",
    "extra_flags": ""