
Language code ta
Aliased language codes tam
Text direction Left to right
Plural: Default plural 119 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other (classic plural)
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Plural formula n != 1

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 4,993 70,850 409,340
Translated 66% 3,334 43% 31,058 42% 175,435
Needs editing 1% 2 1% 127 1% 785
Failing checks 66% 3,329 43% 31,043 42% 175,358
Strings with suggestions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Not translated strings 33% 1,657 55% 39,665 56% 233,120

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Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpxwc8wiq1'") 2 months ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmp1rkjmc5w'") 2 months ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpr_jnnk48'") 4 months ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpd_f1k3pb'") 4 months ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmprsmjfgz4'") a year ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpjz58vphv'") a year ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpkdhjhheb'") a year ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmppb8ilf2t'") a year ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpqzy2ghcg'") a year ago
ta/video subtitles/abc-manual.srt: FormatError("Failed to detect format of file '/tmp/tmpki44c4ix'") a year ago
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